In any action, there is usually a motive, a purpose, a raison d'être (if we’re going to be fancy). And, in reading this blog, you could ask, “What is the purpose of your blog?”
To which I would reply, “My purpose is to write for an audience.”
Writing, though usually a solitary activity, is (in my opinion) a desire to communicate, a desire to draw forth from oneself the words that lie within and present them to a reader.
Maybe there are writers who think they do not wish their work to be read. They might write things and stick them in a drawer. But, even in that case, I’d presume to say that the reason the writer put their work in a drawer was for different reasons and that underlying the act of writing was still the same desire.
With that established, we might continue our little parley, and you could ask, “What, pray tell, will you be communicating about?”
To that question I would respond, “That is the wonder ‘The Blog.’ I can choose to write whatever I please!”
Of course, what I write should also engage my reader (otherwise it is a failed communication), but there are many topics that can fulfill this criteria.
Veritably, I would say ‘The Blog’ is truly a wonder. Writers have the freedom to throw their words to the proverbial wind of the internet and let them blow where they may. With some taps of the keys (and a few dollars), anyone can have their own platform.
So, here I am: the entire internet world in front of me. I must admit, I am happy to be here.
Thus, let this second post be about gratitude. Of late, there have been multiple books, articles, and studies speaking to the power of gratitude (a topic which can be explored more on another day).
For today, let it suffice that I will express my gratitude for this blog, for the people who have read it (Hi, Best Friends! Hi, Mom!), and for the people who will read it in the future. Thank you for receiving this communication and allowing me to fulfill my purpose.
Now, as we part ways, let me leave with you a concluding question. For what are you grateful, dear reader? Conjure up that image and let it warm your heart till we meet again.